Who am I?
What am I? Am I a man, a woman, a ghost in a machine?
Am I an island?
A reflection in the water?
A spirit?
A symbol of past or a harbinger of the future>
Am I a link in the bracelet of humanity?
Am I flesh and bone and blood or more than flesh and bone and blood?
Am I my long hair or my poor mouth which throbs with pain at night when I need to sleep?
Am I the tea leaves in the cup that sits at the edge of my computer when my eye-lids finally
Am I the first wave that washes upon the sands in the morning or the first sunbeam that
shines on the Gardenia leaf?
Am I the flooding rains or the clouds on the Escarpment?
Am I the liquid tone of the Gratitude Bell?
Am I the solitary soul who crosses the bridge?
Who makes the connection between East and West?
Between our humanity and the loss of our humanity?
Am I a liver of life?
A lover of life?
Am I grateful to Fairy Time. Whatever the meaning of Fairy Time. Whatever her name.
Whatever her label. Silly as labels are! Cruel as labels are! Meaningless as labels are!
Have I purpose?
Know I knowledge?
What is it that drives me forward on the train we know as life?
What will happen to me when the sands of time run from the hour glass?
Will anyone remember?
Will anyone pause and hear what I struggled to say?
Or will the new wings upon my physical and spiritual Self take me to places I wanted to go
and never thought I would ever go but now know all – that is everything is possible.
Love, compassion…all is possible.
The word “impossible” has no place in a language of care.
In a language of kindness and goodness and TRUTH.
Dr Janne Clara Lindrum